Benefits of Membership

There are significant benefits that can gained from membership of the SCBPA, these include:


  • Understand how you can produce healthy beef cattle using best practice, sustainable farming techniques.
  • Develop skills in cattle handling and management that has the potential to improve your productivity and profitability.
  • Understand the market options and how best to target the desired market in your herd breeding and management program.
  • Annual reviews of individual member herds for breeding, development and marketing
  • Get to meet and know like-minded beef producers in your area at events and functions many of which are free or heavily discounted for members.
  • Benefit from field days, discussions and farm walks to learn from experienced people in a range of fields associated with beef cattle production and marketing.
  • Keep informed about the latest developments in beef cattle production and marketing and the opportunities they might hold for South Coast producers.
  • Meet and learn from wide range of experts including agronomists, veterinarians, breeders, livestock agents, pasture representatives and the Local Land Services
  • Understand how to plan your feed supply for the coming season
  • Access up to date resources and opportunities via the SCBPA website
  • Free access cattle equipment including eartag scanner and weigh scales to help you manage your NLIS/RFID database and make more informed decisions on your herd’s performance.
  • Free but limited access to our technical team Rob Stafford for cattle production and marketing . With the kind support of our local LLS officers, soils and pasture issues.
  • Participate in field days and farm walks held at least every 2-3 months. 2022 program is out now so click here to view the entire yearly program. Most events are free or have preferential pricing for members and guests are always welcome unless an event is noted as strictly for members.
  • Farm gate SCBPA membership badge
  • Participation in industry research projects of particular interest to South Coast beef producers.


There are significant benefits that can be gained from membership of the SCBPA